Which Side of The Bed Do Men Prefer?

a bed sitting in a bedroom next to a window

Who gets which side of the bed may seem inconsequential; however, couples know it can make a significant impactful statement about who has priority when making bed arrangements.

Sleep can reveal much about who we are as people, while at the same time improving some health issues like snoring and backache.

Right-handed people tend to sleep on the right side

Right-handed people tend to sleep on the right side of the bed; however, this is not an absolute rule as other factors such as age, health and wellness, lifestyle choices and beliefs can have an impact on where people sleep.

Sleeping on either the left or the right side can reveal much about you and how you interact with your partner. People who favor sleeping on the left side typically claim they’re calmer in times of crisis and more confident overall; according to Feng Shui – an ancient Chinese practice of creating harmonious environments through environmental design – the left side has long been associated with wealth, power and good health.

Interesting studies have also shown that those sleeping on the left side of their mattress tend to favor oldies music and drama films while those sleeping on the right tend to prefer rock music and action movies. Of course, this doesn’t apply strictly; other reasons could include proximity to radiators or having a better view of television programs, as well as distance from children or neighbors.

Notably, couples employ some chivalry when it comes to choosing which side of the bed they’ll sleep on – estimates indicate that 36% of men allow their partners to decide, while only 22% do themselves.


Left-handed people tend to sleep on the left side

Nearly every couple has an unspoken and non-negotiable agreement about which side of the bed each partner sleeps on – it helps maintain peace by eliminating arguments about who does what: dishes/vacuuming/getting up first/walking dogs in morning.

But what does your sleeping position actually tell us about you? According to a study conducted by Premier Inn, those who prefer sleeping on the right side are more assertive and confident, while those on the left tend to be more sensitive and caring. But does this hold true?

People tend to choose one side of the bed over another for various reasons, including proximity to radiators or having an advantageous view of television. But most often people state they never consciously chose their sleeping side.

Researchers have recently observed that women tend to prefer sleeping on the left when sharing a bed with their partner, possibly because women tend to cuddle close in an “A-Z” position at night; it could also be related to lefties having more positive outlooks and being better at handling conflicts – making them ideal companions.

Right-brained people tend to sleep on the right side

According to a new study conducted by OnePoll for Slumber Cloud, your sleeping preferences reveal something about who you are as an individual. According to this research, left-side sleeping tends to indicate greater creativity, fantasy and leaning left politically; on the other hand, right-side sleepers typically appreciate work more and tend to lean more right. While right-side sleepers typically tend to enjoy creative pursuits more and are likely more creative. Left-side sleepers are usually more practical.

Though many claim otherwise, most of us appear to be less conscious when selecting our sleeping side than might be expected. A recent survey conducted on men revealed that 36% chose their side based on their partner’s preference while over half made this choice simply out of habit.

Other motivations may be more practical, like being nearer the TV or having access to an en suite bathroom, while others simply have physical conditions which make one side easier or more comfortable than another when lying on it.

Person in White Shirt Sleeping

Left-brained people tend to sleep on the left side

“Woke up on the wrong side of the bed” isn’t just idle slang – according to new research, sleeping on one side or another of your mattress may actually have an impactful influence over your personality traits as well as mood, attitude towards work and even income levels.

If you sleep on the left-hand side of your bed, this could indicate that you are more right-brained. These people tend to be creative, expressive and emotional – adept at understanding feelings which makes them more open-minded and resilient during stressful situations while coming up with practical solutions.

Left-side sleepers tend to have more positive outlooks on life and are seen as optimistic. Right-side sleepers, on the other hand, may dislike their jobs more and have a grumpier disposition; some experts speculate they tend to lean more toward right-wing politics and enjoy beer and action movies more. No matter which side you prefer sleeping on though, getting ample restful restful restful rest each night is vital for both wellbeing and productivity – be sure to get at least eight hours’ worth each night and start your day right!

A Woman Sleeping in Bed