What Side of The Bed Do Most Females Sleep On?

Close-Up Shot of Woman in White Shirt Lying on Bed

Each person has their own preference when it comes to sleeping on one side or the other of a shared bed. And for many of us, our preferences cannot be compromised when sharing an arrangement.

But, what does our preference reveal about us? According to research conducted by UK mattress brand Simba, which offers sleep technology solutions, choosing which side of bed may reveal more about ourselves than we realize.

Dominant Hands

Research by UK mattress technology company Simba suggests that sleeping on their left side could increase happiness levels among women. Simba notes this position is also said to aid digestion and circulation, and should be recommended during pregnancy since it reduces pressure on liver while simultaneously helping the heart pump blood more effectively.

Men with dominant right sides may tend to be more analytical and tend to think in words rather than pictures, according to research published in Archives of Sexual Behavior. This could also play a part in their decision-making processes and preference for sleeping on the right side of their beds.

Many couples make an unspoken agreement about which side of the bed each partner will sleep on, with no discussion required between partners if one begins by choosing a side and stays put – almost like an unbreakable deal that should never be compromised!

Settling into one side of the bed can increase intimacy, and prevent arguments over proximity to doors or alarm clocks. But, if you’re suffering from insomnia or other sleeping issues, examining your sleeping habits to see if there might be changes that would enhance quality of rest – getting enough restful rest should take priority over choosing which side!

Man Embracing Woman Lying in Bed


Sleeping on one side or another of a bed often depends on chance, though once established preferences usually persist until something changes; such as moving house or meeting someone new. Couples usually choose one side of the bed and stick with it.

Personality plays an integral role in which side of the bed people prefer. Studies have suggested that which side a person sleeps on can provide clues to their personality – for instance right-handed people tend to prefer sleeping on the right while left-handers favor sleeping on the left. Other studies indicate how dominant hands may also reveal significant insights.

People who prefer sleeping on the left side of the bed are thought to be more logical and rational than those who sleep on the right. Additionally, it has been speculated that lefties might enjoy their jobs more, make more likeable friends, and wake up feeling happier each morning than right-side sleepers according to Premier Inn UK surveys.

Researchers conducted another study which discovered that heterosexual couples who share beds typically allow their partners to determine which side is theirs to sleep on out of a sense of chivalry.

Couple Sleeping Under Blank

Biological Gender

At birth, biological gender is determined based on medical factors including hormones, chromosomes, and genital structures. People are assigned male or female according to what’s written on their birth certificate; if someone’s genitalia or chromosomes don’t match traditional expectations of either gender then they could be classified as intersex.

Though most researchers hold to the belief that biological differences define gender differences, feminist scholars have long contended otherwise and use biological sex binary representations of it to obscure discrimination and vilification as being simply part of nature’s order.

Koala bedroom furniture company recently conducted a study that revealed men are more likely than women to let their partners choose which side of the bed they sleep on than vice versa. Nearly half of men surveyed stated they had no preference when it came to which side of the bed they chose for sleeping purposes; some selected their sleeping side based on superstition; for instance nearly 1/5th of London men believed this would protect them from intruders by sleeping on its right side; other motivations may include chivalry or tradition among others.

Bed Position

Choose which side of the bed to sleep on is often an unspoken mutual agreement between couples. Choosing this side may depend on practical considerations such as proximity to bathrooms or which door is closer, and should never be changed mid-slumber.

But if you take a deeper look, your choice of sleeping position could reveal much about your unique psychological make-up. Sleeping on either the left or right side may reveal whether or not you have more left brain dominance.

Left-brained people are known to remain more composed under pressure, while right-brained individuals tend to be more grounded and prepared for worst-case scenarios. It is for this reason that many women opt to sleep on their left sides, believing it can help maintain composure during crises situations and keep their wits about them.

Simba’s Pick Your Side survey found that men also seem to have preferences when it comes to which side of the bed they prefer sleeping on, according to reports of Londoners being especially superstitious with over one third stating their decisions were dictated by feelings. But for most sleepers, comfort levels play the deciding role: which side feels most cozy!