What Side of The Bed Should the Married Woman Sleep On?

Couple Sleeping in Bed

Marriage requires many compromises from its partners; from who should do the dishes to which set of parents takes ownership for Thanksgiving dinner, decisions like this have an impactful and sometimes conflictual effect on daily life and can become sources of marital discord.

One such decision involves choosing which side of the bed to sleep on. Although your choice might seem minor, its impact could have lasting ramifications on both your quality of sleep and relationship dynamics.


Making decisions as a couple involves many negotiations: who will do the dishes, vacuum and give Thanksgiving and Christmas visits. But one of the most crucial trade-offs that affect your relationship daily – which side of the bed do you sleep on – typically receives less consideration.

Vastu advises married women to sleep on the left side of their husband. This will bring positivity and harmony into your relationship while keeping you healthy and refreshed throughout your day.

Vastu is an ancient science which examines the relationships among various forces in our environment. It’s founded on the understanding that earth, water, fire and air all play an integral part in shaping our lives, so its aim is to achieve harmony among these elements in order to live happily and healthily.

A bedroom for married women should face south or southwest to foster romantic marriages and promote romantic energy in the room. Furthermore, facing away from mirrors or being adjacent to kitchens or bathrooms are likely to attract negative energy that may result in marital discord. Furthermore, to promote an enjoyable atmosphere in her bedroom she should keep clutter at a minimum while including light colored bedding such as pink, white or mild red to help relax while adding plants as these will promote positivity in the space.

Feng Shui

Feng shui (the ancient Chinese art and science of Chi Shui), also known as Feng Shui or Chi Sa, is an ancient system that incorporates elements such as yin and yang, the five elements, and flow as principles for creating harmonious environments that bring you peace, prosperity and good health. Its principles create spaces with harmonious energy flows to promote wellbeing for your home or workspace.

One of the key feng shui tips is selecting neutral colors for your bedroom, as these create a sense of balance and harmony. Avoid bright hues which may overstimulate and disrupt restful night’s rest; instead choose warm white or gray tones instead. Also keep your bedside tables clear from books, magazines, or any other clutter; experts in Feng Shui advise against this practice.

An essential feng shui tip is leaving space on both sides of your bed for each person who uses it – this allows both parties to get in and out without stepping on each other, helping with energy flow in the room.

Sleeping on either the right or left side can have significant ramifications for your relationship, especially if it involves sharing a bed. Communication should take place about individual needs and finding a solution that works for both of you. If you need help finding what’s best, try some of the feng shui techniques mentioned above.

Personal preference

Many couples view who sleeps on which side of the bed as a matter of personal choice, yet in other instances this decision may have nothing to do with personal preferences but is instead determined by physical needs such as proximity to bathrooms – making it easier for one partner to get in and out without disturbing the other partner.

Some individuals prefer sleeping on the side of their bed that faces away from a wall, as this position has been shown to reduce back pain risks. Others find sleeping near doors or windows can make them feel trapped and restricted in some ways.

Some couples may prefer sleeping facing each other as this can increase intimacy and communication in the bedroom, though others find this position uncomfortable as it can lead to neck strain and other physical ailments. While how couples choose to share the bed can have an immense effect on their relationship, finding an arrangement that works for both of them should be an essential step toward creating a happy life together.


Sleeping on one side or another of the bed can not only bring comfort, but can have far-reaching consequences on our health. According to Ayurvedic principles, having your wife sleep on the left side will increase circulation, improve breathing and relieve any strain on their heart – an approach often recommended by medical professionals if your heart is healthy enough. But keep in mind this advice only applies if both spouses enjoy heart-healthy lives without cardiovascular problems.

Sleeping together as a couple can have a dramatic impact on their relationship and marriage. Couples should communicate about their sleeping preferences and experiment to find an arrangement that works best for both of them – this will ensure they get quality restful restorative rest while simultaneously strengthening the bond between themselves.

Choice of side to sleep on depends on several factors, including prior sleeping habits, preference in facing direction and proximity to doors. Some individuals are sensitive to their partner’s tossing and turning as well as snoring, therefore preferring sleeping on one that won’t disturb them as much.

Some individuals prefer sleeping close to the door as it makes getting out of bed easier each morning, while others feel restricted when sleeping against walls or far from doors.