Should We Drink Water Before Bed?

person holding clear drinking glass

Water is an indispensable nutrient, keeping our bodies hydrated, improving skin tone and temperature regulation, increasing metabolism, bolstering metabolism and much more. Unfortunately, drinking too much before bed could have adverse side effects.

Drinking too much water before bed can result in you having to get up more often throughout the night for bathroom trips, interfering with your rest and potentially leading to health complications down the line.


Drinking water before bedtime is vitally important to avoiding dehydration, as many wake up feeling parched after a night without any fluid intake. Your body loses fluid during its natural sleep cycle; drinking a glass of water before sleeping helps replenish these lost fluids, so that when morning comes around you feel well-rested.

Lacking enough fluids, you could experience various health complications, including dry and flaky skin, loss of energy and difficulty sleeping; overtime heartbeat from compensating for reduced fluid levels; as well as negative emotions which impact overall wellbeing. Dehydration has many negative side effects.

To combat dehydration, drink one glass of water about one hour before bed. However, be careful not to drink too much as excessive water consumption may result in frequent urination during the night and interrupt sleep. Furthermore, avoid drinking water with meals or late-night snacks that might make digestion more challenging – as these could make digestion harder for your body and lead to restless nights.


Bedwetting isn’t limited to children; adults may also suffer from it. Waking multiple times each night to use the bathroom isn’t exactly pleasurable or relaxing and may lead to heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and depression – among other health problems.

Though it may seem counterintuitive, drinking water before bed can actually be beneficial. Water helps hydrate our bodies while we sleep – an essential factor for all the healing work done while we sleep! In addition, water helps break down waste, lubricate joints and release toxins through sweating.

However, it’s best to limit water intake before bedtime as too much may increase urine production – known as nocturia – which will disrupt your sleep by prompting you to wake up frequently throughout the night and use the bathroom. Drinking too soon before sleeping may also irritate your bladder, making you more likely to wet your bed.

Ideally, when drinking water before bed, take small sips to ensure your bladder is empty to help avoid nocturia and ensure you get restful sleep. To add an extra boost of flavor and immunity, consider adding lemon to your water before bed – not only will its refreshing taste make a refreshing bedtime ritual, but the vitamin C in lemon adds protection from infection!

Interrupted sleep

Before bed, drinking water can hydrate and relax your body, helping you find peace and prepare you for restful slumber. But drinking too much may cause frequent wakeups for bathroom trips; disrupting sleep and leaving you feeling exhausted in the morning.

At night, your urine output decreases; but drinking too much water can disrupt this natural rhythm and force you to visit the bathroom frequently throughout the night – leading to what is known as nocturia – leading to sleep deprivation which has serious negative health ramifications.

National Sleep Foundation research shows that getting seven to nine uninterrupted hours of restful sleep each night is essential to good health, yet many Americans wake frequently during the night feeling the urge to pee, making it more challenging to obtain restful slumber.

If you have an overactive bladder, frequent trips to the bathroom may also disrupt your sleep. In these instances, it is wiser to sip small amounts of water rather than drinking several glasses all at once before bed. Doing this may help your bladder regulate itself more easily and reduce visits to the restroom during the night. In addition, try to limit sugary beverages like fruit juices and sodas as these may lead to bloating and gas production in your system.

Bedtime headaches

Staying hydrated before bed is vital, yet drinking too much may have adverse effects on sleep quality. Drinking too much liquid too close to bedtime could force you to wake up during the night to use the bathroom, disrupting your rest cycle – known as “nocturia.”

Human bodies lose fluids while sleeping, so drinking too much water before bed could increase the likelihood that you wake up during the night to urinate. Our bodies produce hormones which reduce urine production during restorative sleep cycles; too much liquid could result in nocturia and disrupt your rest.

Water has many health advantages, including improved skin hydration, lower blood pressure and overall improved heart health. Furthermore, it reduces bloating and constipation symptoms while supporting weight loss efforts as well as normal kidney functioning. Additionally, water provides essential nutrients for leading a healthy lifestyle. Incorporating lemon into your water can enhance its flavor while simultaneously increasing immunity. Hydration is particularly important if exercising frequently or living in an especially hot climate; don’t underestimate the significance of staying hydrated! Water before bedtime is an easy and efficient way to remain hydrated, and also can help to prevent nighttime headaches – something which may disrupt sleep patterns and contribute to negative feelings. But with proper diet modification and improved sleeping patterns, this pain can easily be avoided!