What Mattress Should You Buy?

a bed with a white bed spread

Finding a comfortable mattress can be a significant investment, so it is crucial that you make an informed decision. Finding a great one will allow you to sleep soundly and wake up feeling rejuvenated!

Selecting the ideal mattress may seem a daunting task, but using this quiz to find your ideal sleep partner should make the search much simpler.


Firmness is a crucial consideration when purchasing a mattress. A firmer surface will last longer without sagging, as well as provide exceptional support that may relieve back pain or prevent sleep disturbances caused by soft surfaces. Firmness of mattresses is determined by factors like thickness, material and design – generally speaking a firmer mattress has more rigid surface that feels similar to wood or metal rather than soft plush textures.

While no single firmness level will work best for all individuals, a firm mattress is typically preferred by those suffering from back pain as well as those who prefer sleeping on their sides or back. Furthermore, firm mattresses can help those sharing beds avoid rolling or tossing and turning all night (and potentially awakening one of their partners).

Firm mattresses provide more comfortable support to combination sleepers as they don’t sink too deeply into their bodies and offer sufficient back and stomach support. Firm mattresses may also help those who tend to sweat at night avoid waking up sweating too early in the morning.

When choosing a firm mattress, the best way to assess whether it suits you is to try it in store and compare its feel against your body type, sleep position and any health conditions you may have. A mattress might feel different when lying down; therefore it is also important to sit up on its edges to observe whether its shape holds.

Firmness of mattresses can be measured on a scale of 10 or higher; higher ratings indicate firmer mattresses. Although feel is an important aspect, other features like durability and temperature neutrality should also be carefully considered when making decisions on purchasing one. When looking to buy new bedding be sure to read reviews from both experts and consumers before making major changes in your sleep routine. It may be wise to consult a healthcare provider or doctor first when considering making any significant alterations.


Material selection plays a pivotal role in mattress performance. Look for mattresses with breathable construction and cooling features as well as those designed to promote healthy sleeping patterns, such as hypoallergenic mattresses made of natural materials like cottons, bamboo and lavender green tea memory foams. Furthermore, if you tend to overheat at night it would be wise to choose mattresses equipped with cooling layers which draw air through to keep you cool at night.

Another key consideration in mattress selection is the material it uses to provide support. With many choices from traditional innerspring to contemporary memory foam available today and even hybrid mattresses that incorporate both features together.

If you prefer traditional innerspring beds, pay careful attention to coil gauge and count. A higher gauge will keep the mattress durable and firm while low gauge will feel soft and less durable. Also look for one with pocketed coils for improved support and reduced motion transfer.

Foam mattresses are well-known for their durability and comfort. When searching for one, look for those certified by CertiPUR-US that are free from harmful chemicals that deplete ozone layer; plus it features low VOC emissions to improve indoor air quality.

Other key considerations include the outermost fabric layer, cooling gel layer and density of foam layers. Fabric with high GSM (gram per square meter) ratings is designed to withstand wear-and-tear damage from spills or spills while cooling gel layers typically combine natural latex, bamboo and silk materials in order to quickly cool the mattress quickly and provide relief from pressure points quickly.

Thickness of foam layers is also critical; higher density foam provides more supportive comfort, lasts longer and has greater resilience – meaning that its shape will remain intact longer.

Investigate your warranty carefully as well. A great warranty should cover any manufacturer defects for an extended period, helping to minimize costly repairs or replacements over time. Some warranties even offer trial periods or return policies so it may be easier for you to find another mattress if the one you currently own doesn’t work out.


Design of a mattress is an integral factor that influences everything from its feel to longevity. For instance, if your sleep partner often disturbs the peace with their movement while sleeping on it, consider purchasing one with good motion isolation properties. There are multiple layers designed specifically to reduce transfer and enhance restful sleeping environments – look out for mattresses offering this feature as they may offer more restful nights of restful slumber.

Materials used in making mattresses should also be considered when searching for the ideal bed. While some use coils or springs, others rely on memory foam, latex or both; and some brands even incorporate airflow or free-flowing water systems for additional support. Firmness rating from 1-10 should also be taken into consideration; 1 being very soft while 10 being firmest mattresses.

Some mattresses feature additional features that set them apart from their competition, like an organic cotton cover, eco-friendly memory foam or cooling gel layer. These features can help reduce chemicals used in manufacturing the mattress while making it more eco-friendly.

As purchasing a mattress is such an investment, it’s crucial that you do your research to get the best value for your money. Compare prices at different times of the year and check manufacturer websites to see if there is additional information that may help guide your selection process.

Shopping for a new mattress can be daunting. While trying several models in-store is useful, the only true test of any mattress should be sleeping on it for several nights and seeing how your body responds. When choosing your brand of choice, make sure they offer generous sleep trial and warranty policies to provide peace of mind if the mattress doesn’t meet expectations; also read customer reviews carefully; many will praise its qualities while noting any downsides, like sagging after some time or poor edge support as potential concerns.


Understanding a mattress warranty may not come naturally to most of us, yet its importance cannot be overstated. Understanding exactly what a warranty covers, how long it lasts and any terms which could nullify it is essential.

Most manufacturers post their warranties online; it is essential that you read them thoroughly to understand exactly how long and the term of coverage the warranty extends for. Furthermore, you’ll want to find out who pays for shipping costs back and forth should a mattress require replacing.

Before purchasing anything, it is essential that you understand the return policy and trial period of a company. A suitable trial period should last at least 90 days; some even provide up to 12 months. If a particular brand has poor return policies, you may wish to explore alternative solutions.

Important to keep in mind is that warranties only cover problems determined to be defective by the manufacturer, not those caused by personal preferences or abuse by its owner – abuse can be defined as jumping up and down repeatedly on a mattress and creating indentations not consistent with its surface area.

Be mindful when gifting or selling mattresses as doing so voids their warranty, which can only be filed by the original purchaser and no one else. Therefore, it is wise to keep any warranties you obtain safely stored away rather than disposing of them prematurely. You might want to check local shelters and organizations as some may accept used mattresses that they will repurpose for those in need – usually these groups don’t accept too many at one time due to limited storage space and usually accept only certain numbers each month as donations; conducting an internet search should reveal these organizations near you – helping those in need while giving tax deductions!