What Is the Most Common Sleeping Position in The World?

a woman sleeping on a bed with a blue blanket

Sleeping on your stomach puts extra strain on your spine, potentially leading to neck and back pain, while restricting airways exacerbates obstructive sleep apnea.

Log sleepers are an increasingly popular form of nappers. Idzikowski notes these individuals tend to be social and easy-going but sometimes vulnerable.

Side Sleeping

Sleeping on your side may help ease back pain and snoring, particularly when using an elevated pillow to raise your head. Sleeping this way also prevents shoulders and neck sag from collapsing too heavily – two potential contributors to snoring.

Sleeping in the log position involves lying on your side with legs straight and arms in their proper places, arms resting comfortably beside them. People who favor this sleeping style tend to be both open-minded and critical of others; often taking longer before making decisions or acting.

Prayer position, where your hands are clasped as in prayer, can keep fingers warm while alleviating neck pain. This position may also be useful if sleeping with old pillows.

Man Sleeping with a White Pillow

Back Sleeping

Sleeping on your back may help spread pressure evenly across your spine for deep relaxation, however it may lead to neck or back pain as well as increased snoring.

The baby position, also known as the fetal position, involves curling your knees up towards your chest in an attempt to replicate how we sleep inside our mother’s wombs. According to experts, this sleep position demonstrates tough exterior with sensitive interior.

If you prefer sleeping on your back, try placing a pillow or rolled towel under your knees to ease pressure on the lower back and avoid an awkward hunched-over posture that could lead to neck pain.

Woman Sleeping Under a Blue Blanket 

Shooting Star Sleeping

People who sleep in the “Shooting Star Position” tend to be trustworthy, good communicators, and willing to let down their guard. They make friends easily and have strong social circles; however, they may lack discipline in their lives.

People who sleep in the baby or fetal position tend to have tough exteriors that mask more sensitive personalities within. Furthermore, this sleeping position is one of the most comfortable choices and ideal for those suffering with back issues.

Sleeping in this position may help ease acid reflux symptoms, but it can increase snoring and increase risk for neck pain – both of which could become problematic for those with breathing issues.

Stargazer Sleeping

People who favor sleeping in the yearner position (which resembles foetal or baby position) typically possess quiet personalities with high moral standards, tending towards caution when making decisions but once made will usually stick by them.

Starfish sleepers, who imitate marine invertebrates in their sleeping positions, make up about 7% of those studied. Similar to Soldier, Log, and Freefall sleepers, Starfishers tend to say that their choice of this sleeping style was for medical reasons and put relationships with family and friends above any other considerations; these people can also be extremely protective of those close to them.

Freefall Sleeping

Idzikowski’s research discovered that people who sleep in the Yearner position tend to be open-minded yet cautious when making decisions, taking their time over making final decisions.

Log position sleepers tend to be social, extrovert people who love the party atmosphere! Unfortunately, however, they may become easily excited and intolerant of criticism. Additionally, sleeping this way puts extra strain on their spine which may cause back pain as well as increasing snoring and making breathing more difficult.

Log Sleeping

The log position resembles the fetal position, with your arms stretched out in front of you instead of down by your side. According to Idzikowski, people who sleep this way tend to be social and easygoing while at times remaining suspicious or even hostile towards those they meet during the day.

Yearner position side sleeping involves holding your arms high above your head as an indicator of openness and curiosity; however, this position can put strain on the back; to minimize strain use a pillow that provides adequate neck support.

Soldier Sleeping

Position yourself like a soldier standing at attention while lying on your back with arms stacked by your sides in an inverted V. This position improves posture, reduces shoulder pain, promotes healthy blood circulation and can prevent numbness in legs and feet; plus it may alleviate acid reflux symptoms.

However, this position has the potential to increase snoring and worsen sleep apnea symptoms. People who prefer this position should use a pillow between their knees in order to align their spine correctly while sleeping.

Soldier, starfish and log sleeping positions were more likely to describe their mattress as very comfortable than those sleeping in fetal or freefall positions. This may be because these positions promote quality restful sleep and an improved sense of well-being.

Starfish Sleeping

Starfish sleepers spread out their arms across their bed like marine invertebrates. They’re known for having open, playful personalities with strong listening skills. Plus they make strong friends and loyal family members!

Sleepers who adopt the starfish position frequently snore due to having their arms raised above their heads, restricting airways and potentially leading to snoring.

Sleepers in the soldier position tend to be reserved and quiet, expecting others to adhere to their stringent moral codes and high standards.

Yearner Sleeping

Idzikowski found that those who sleep this way tend to be friendly and easygoing individuals who trust others easily, leading them to appear vulnerable in front of outsiders.

Such people tend to be wary and distrustful, although once a decision has been made they tend to remain true to it – making them reliable friends despite initial shyness.

Foetal sleepers tend to be tough but sensitive on the inside. Although initially shy and reserved, they usually open up and feel relaxed soon enough.