What Is the Healthiest Sleeping Position

Close Up of Two Women Sleeping Together

Most adults prefer sleeping on their side, which can help promote better spinal alignment and alleviate back pain. Sleeping this way also offers several additional advantages: it reduces snoring, helps manage breathing difficulties such as acid reflux, and can ease acid reflux symptoms.

Sleeping on your stomach (known as the prone position) may lead to neck and back pain as well as contribute to snoring, acid reflux, or both. So, what is the ideal sleeping position?

Left Side

Sleeping on your left side can help ease stomach issues such as acid reflux and heartburn, while improving circulation – making it the preferred position for pregnant women and people with blood pressure issues, since it reduces strain on the heart. Unfortunately, however, for some individuals sleeping this way may cause shoulder and neck discomfort, so an extra-wide pillow might be required at times to support this position.

Unfortunately, this position can also aggravate lower back discomfort and exacerbate snoring or sleep apnea symptoms. You can reduce discomfort by placing a pillow or rolled-up towel under each knee to support natural curve of spine while aligning upper body with lower body – thus relieving pressure from lower back region.

Some people try to transition to this sleeping position, but it can take time and practice before your muscles can adapt to this position. You may need a small pillow under your head or neck in order to align the spinal column, while it may feel unfamiliar at first if you are used to sleeping curled up on your back; to ease into it gradually it would be beneficial to alternate between these two positions or wear a neck brace and use a firm mattress with adequate support.

Right Side

The right side sleeping position offers many advantages for those suffering from back or neck pain, since it makes maintaining proper spinal alignment easier in this position. Furthermore, it relieves congestion caused by allergies or stuffy noses while helping reduce snoring. Unfortunately, pregnant women or those with heart conditions should avoid it since this position places additional strain on uterus blood vessels that supply oxygen – potentially increasing late stillbirth risks in some studies.

People with symmetrical bodies may find more comfort sleeping on the right side, as this is considered the natural position for most. Additionally, this sleeping position offers relief from bloating, constipation and stomach ache due to gravity’s effect of moving waste more quickly through their digestive systems.

People prone to shoulder pain may find sleeping on their right side uncomfortable, however this can usually be addressed using a thicker pillow to support the head and prevent overly stretched and compressed neck muscles in this position. Doing this also avoids creating an unfavorable “starfish” appearance on the face and minimizes wrinkles on forehead and cheeks.

A Woman Sleeping in Bed


About 7 percent of adults prefer sleeping on their stomachs, despite some evidence to the contrary. Although sleeping this way may offer some benefits in terms of restful slumber, sleeping this way places undue strain on your spine which could eventually lead to scoliosis and other related conditions. If this describes you, try transitioning with supportive pillows and mattresses into back sleeping position instead.

Back sleeping positions are considered among the healthiest options as they promote proper spinal alignment, allow even weight distribution, and relieve pressure on lumbar region of spine. A pillow placed between knees may further alleviate lower back pain while protecting its natural curves.

Sleeping on their back may not be recommended for individuals suffering from acid reflux or snoring conditions such as sleep apnea; sleeping this way could cause airway blockage as it puts too much strain on neck and throat muscles. A special pillow designed specifically to address these issues and promote peaceful restful slumber can provide effective solutions; make sure it has sufficient support so it maintains neutral positions for neck, spine, head and neck while not becoming an uncomfortable angle between head and neck.

Beautiful Woman Sleeping on Bed


Stomach sleeping may seem like the ideal way to unwind after a long day, but frequent stomach sleeping could do more harm than good. Along with inducing acid reflux, stomach sleeping restricts diaphragmatic breathing and leads to back pain and premature wrinkles. Furthermore, pregnant mothers should avoid this position since it puts stress on the uterus by pressing against liver, decreasing blood flow to baby, which increases risk during gestation.

However, there are ways to make stomach sleep healthier for your spine and neck. First off, try placing a pillow under your tummy so your spine is in an neutral position. A slim pillow may work best as large pillows may force your neck into unnatural positions that could result in neck or upper body pain in the morning.

Tuck a pillow between your knees to help align your hips and reduce back pain, and sleep on a mattress that’s firm but not too firm – since sleeping on your stomach puts extra strain on joints and muscles. A mattress topper may soften an overly firm mattress so you can still experience all of the advantages of sleeping this way without discomfort.

Breaking an old habit like stomach sleeping may be challenging, but switching your position in bed could enhance your quality of rest and decrease neck and back ache and pain. Test out various positions until you find one that feels best for you.