How Do I Know What Mattress Firmness Is Right for Me?

A Close-Up Shot of a Man Sleeping

Individual preferences for firmness can differ widely depending on factors like sleeping position, body size and health requirements. Most sleepers typically favor mattresses between 5 and 7 on our firmness scale for a medium feel mattress experience.

Keep in mind that firmness is subjective and is distinct from support; firmness refers to how the mattress feels while support refers to whether or not it promotes healthy spinal alignment.

How to Measure Firmness

Firmness levels of mattresses play a key role in their comfort and suitability for sleepers. Firmness ratings usually range from one to 10, with 10 being the firmest option. There are numerous variables that affect how a mattress feels; two major contributors include sleeping position and weight. Heavier individuals will typically require thicker mattresses with multiple foam layers for deep compression support as well as firmer mattress firmness than lighter-weight individuals.

No matter your sleep position – side, stomach or back – mattresses exist that offer just the right level of firmness to meet each sleep style. But firmness should not be confused with support – which involves how a mattress holds and distributes your weight to keep your spine aligned.

Firmness in mattresses comes from their construction and materials used, which may differ between brands. A hybrid mattress that’s classified as medium-firm may feel harder than an equivalent pure foam one and one brand’s 6 on the firmness scale may feel like 5 or 7 depending on its material used – the result can vary widely between mattress types.

What can you do to select the ideal mattress firmness? Step one is assessing your sleep position and weight; choose a mattress suited for this scenario. For instance, side sleepers weighing roughly 130 pounds would benefit from having a soft to medium firm mattress which supports their curves while maintaining spinal alignment – something softer may cause deeper sinkage which would compromise proper alignment.

Heavier individuals will require a firmer mattress in order to avoid experiencing too much pressure in certain areas, while still providing enough cushioning so as to prevent pressure points forming in hips and shoulders. Heavier sleepers will likely opt for something between firm to extra-firm in terms of firmness; approximately in the 8-10 range would be ideal.

No two people are alike and no single mattress will meet every sleeping preference perfectly, but taking into account factors like sleep position, body weight and personal preferences you can find the ideal mattress. If you need any help finding yours just answer a few questions on our form below and we’ll send a list of mattress options that suit you perfectly – good luck on your quest to find it!

How to Know if You’re Sleeping on the Right Side

The ideal mattress firmness depends on your sleep position, body size, health needs and personal preferences. If you prefer side sleeping, for instance, medium-firm mattresses provide support without placing too much strain on hips and shoulders; adding a soft mattress topper or adding foam layers underneath may also soften it further. Drooling could be an indicator that your mattress is too hard; but excessive drooling could indicate something more serious such as sleep apnea.

If you prefer sleeping on your back or stomach, a firmer mattress is likely best, since it provides support for your spine. However, too firm of a mattress may actually cause lower back pain; therefore most people prefer medium-firm mattresses, as these provide enough support without being uncomfortable to those who prefer soft mattress options.

Firmness does not equal support; thus it’s wise to consult reviews of mattresses from multiple sources before making your selection. When reading customer ratings it’s wise to do your own due diligence as people often leave one-star reviews due to reasons outside the company’s control, such as sagging after several years or cooling features not working as promised.

There is no universal firmness scale; individual manufacturers usually employ their own rating system instead. As a rule of thumb, higher numbers indicate firmer mattresses while lower ones tend to be softer. Keep in mind that mattress firmness will differ for each individual who sleeps on it; for instance, memory foam mattresses rated 6 on the firmness scale may feel differently for taller individuals than for shorter individuals of equal weight.

Mattresses that fall between soft and medium firm are generally more affordable than their more costly counterparts, making them an excellent option for most people. If you prefer something softer, look for one with an organic cotton or lambswool comfort layer to cradle your body and alleviate pressure points; such materials can often be found both online and at local retailers – just be sure to research their business reputation as well as compliance with federal flammability standards before committing. You should find this information within their FAQ section of their website.