Which Side of The Bed Should a Man Sleep

Couple Sleeping Under Blank

If you are in a heterosexual relationship and share a bed, establishing which side you each sleep on as soon as possible is key to creating an intimate atmosphere and reducing potential tension between partners. Unfortunately, however, more goes into choosing who sleeps where than meets the eye.

Men tend to favor sleeping on the right side of their beds because it is closer to the door, if they need to protect their wives from potential intruders with weapons.

Feng Shui

According to ancient Chinese philosophy and Feng Shui, the left side of a room represents wealth and health – thus justifying why many who subscribe to its principles prefer sleeping on their left. Left-side sleeping has also been associated with being more creative, having more positive outlooks on life and more open communication skills.

However, when in a heterosexual relationship with someone who shares your bed it can be challenging deciding who gets which side. A survey conducted by Australian mattress brand Koala found that women feel significantly stronger about choosing sleeping on the left side, while one out of seven men don’t hold strong opinions regarding this matter.

If you’re having difficulty choosing which side of the bed to sleep on, take into account your personal preferences and which spot in the room was your usual spot before becoming a couple. This will give a good indication as to which part of the bedroom feels most like home for both of you – don’t forget that leaving space on both sides is vital in creating an uplifting feng shui vibe!

Personal preference

People often choose one side of the bed due to comfort or physical issues; others might set traditions early in their relationships by sleeping on one side without even realizing it!

Research has demonstrated that which side of the bed we choose to sleep on tells a lot about who we are as individuals. A survey by UK sleep technology mattress brand Simba revealed that those who tend to favor sleeping on the left are typically more cheerful and optimistic; their thought processes tend to be linear rather than visual, and they prefer words rather than pictures when making decisions.

Studies conducted on this matter also show that which side of the bed you prefer depends on which hand dominates: right-handed people tend to sleep on the right, while lefties favor sleeping on the left side. When living together in heterosexual relationships, it’s crucial that both partners agree quickly on who will sleep on which side so everyone can have a restful night’s rest.

Health and wellness

People often hold strong opinions when selecting which side of the bed to sleep on. Be it due to superstition or personal choice, many anecdotes suggest that sleeping on one side could have significant health ramifications.

According to research conducted by UK mattress brand Simba, women who prefer sleeping on the left side have been found to possess more positive attitudes toward life and are better at handling conflict. This could be related to positive emotions such as happiness, optimism and gratitude being associated with that side of their brains.

People who sleep on the right side are typically more analytical and logical, as well as more likely to be assertive and decisive – which can be invaluable assets in relationships.

However, which side of the bed a person sleeps on can also depend on their dominant hand and psychological makeup. For example, those who are right-handed are more likely to favor sleeping on that side; some researchers speculate this is caused by subconscious links between left and right sides of the brain that influence choices and personalities; studies have even demonstrated this difference with right-handed people being more analytical and logical than left-handed ones.


Those who prefer sleeping in certain positions should think carefully before sharing a bed with another. When setting this expectation for both partners in your new relationship as partners, it should be established immediately and reinforced over time.

Some couples may find it strange, but some argue over who should sleep on which side of the mattress! This often arises because one partner came into the relationship as an independent sleeper who preferred one side over another while their partner preferred sleeping directly across from them on an equal mattress.

Some people like to sleep close to their doors to feel secure should anything come knocking. It may also be an echo from primitive times when men tended to sleep closer to cave entrances in order to protect against wild animals or marauders.

OnePoll conducted for Slumber Cloud conducted research revealing that sleeping on either side of your bed reveals something about your personality traits. If you tend to favor left-side sleeping positions, that could suggest more creativity and imagination while right-side sleepers are often considered more grounded and practical – perhaps explaining why most men prefer right-sided beds when slumbering alone.