What Is the 3 3 3 Rule for Anxiety Sleep?

a man laying on a bed with a blanket on top of it

Anxiety is a common mental health condition, often manifesting physical symptoms as well. While managing anxiety alone may be challenging, there are various strategies available that may provide assistance.

The 333 rule is an effective grounding technique that can help ease anxiety during sleep, however, for maximum effectiveness it should be combined with therapy or medication for anxiety relief.

1. Focus on your senses

Sleep is key to managing anxiety and it is crucial that a healthy routine for bedtime be established. Implementing good sleep hygiene, which means following a set bedtime ritual each night in a dark and comfortable room and turning off electronics at least 30 minutes before sleep time, is also critical in getting a good night’s rest. Grounding techniques may also help alleviate symptoms by focusing on sights, sounds and sensations around you which you can see, hear or touch.

Anxious people find it hard to sleep because their minds tend to drift toward future worries or past regrets, making it impossible to stay present and sleep. Grounding techniques like the 3 3 3 rule may help bring focus back onto physical surroundings and bring the mind back to present-moment, diverting it away from anxious thoughts.

The 333 technique involves recognizing three things you can see, hear or touch that are present around you at any given moment – three things to look at, hear and touch are ideal to help distract the mind away from anxious thoughts, while also drawing focus back onto immediate surroundings and helping calm yourself. It can help redirect thoughts away from worrying thoughts by drawing your focus onto nearby objects.

Getting help can be extremely helpful when coping with anxiety or sleeping issues, such as having difficulties. Therapists can teach strategies for regulating anxiety and improving sleep; in addition to offering support when you feel overwhelmed.

Man Lying on Bed

2. Move your body

Anxiety can disrupt sleep for many. To address it, it’s crucial that you find effective strategies to relax both body and mind so you can achieve restful slumber. There are various approaches available to you for improving anxiety sleep such as meditation, diaphragmatic breathing relaxation techniques or herbal supplements like USA Hemp’s Relax – however if you suffer from an anxiety disorder you may require more than just one coping strategy to manage symptoms.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) can teach you to reframe your thoughts so you no longer believe what they tell you. Furthermore, healthy stress-coping mechanisms like yoga, tai chi or meditation may also prove effective at relieving symptoms. You could also try adding mindfulness into daily life as this allows you to recognize and release any emotions which arise.

Finally, it’s important to keep in mind that anxiety is not a sign of weakness; rather it indicates an underlying health problem that needs addressing. Seeking treatment for anxiety is a worthwhile investment that can help you live a fuller and happier life; treatment options include antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs or beta blockers as well as various psychotherapies including acceptance and commitment therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy or eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR). There’s no reason for suffering when so many treatment options are available – seek professional help today and avoid suffering as soon as possible!

3. Breathe

No one is immune from experiencing anxiety — it’s part of our evolutionary response to fear or stress. If it becomes persistent and interferes with daily activities, however, it could indicate an anxiety disorder. Treatment options available for anxiety disorders may include therapy and medications; for quick relief from anxiety symptoms try the 3-3-3 rule.

Grounding techniques are simple and easily-remembered tools for when anxiety hits. Focusing on three objects you can see, three sounds you can hear, and three parts of your body you can move can be an effective way to distract from anxious thoughts while redirecting focus back onto present moments.

Doing a body scan can be done anywhere and at any time of day — when waking up in the morning, before leaving for work, at night before sleep or any time anxiety flares up. To practice, look around you for details that you can observe such as plants, wall photos or cups that engage all five senses – then notice which senses are involved with those details.

Listen for three sounds around you – such as traffic, water running, your coworker’s keys clacking or people talking. Additionally, select three parts of your body you can move; perhaps rolling your head, wiggling toes or tapping fingers will do.

man in white long sleeve shirt

4. Relax

If you’re having difficulty sleeping at night, try relaxing by focusing on three things you can see, hear and feel in your environment – this grounding technique may help shift negative thoughts away and return you to present moment. Although it won’t completely relieve anxiety symptoms, it will provide some space between anxiety attacks.

Use this relaxation technique any time you feel anxious, especially if anxiety prevents you from sleeping well. Or practice it during the daytime to calm your mind and promote relaxation.

As well as following the 3-3-5-3 rule, other ways of soothing your mind may include meditation or breathing exercises like progressive muscle relaxation – a technique designed to relax every muscle group in your body – or progressive muscle relaxation (PMR). Both can help you unwind before bedtime; but with practice comes success.

Prevent caffeine from interfering with your sleep by staying away from stimulants such as coffee and alcohol, such as stimulant medications. Caffeine depresses your melatonin production and should be kept far away from where you sleep to reduce anxiety levels. Take a warm bath, listen to soothing music or read something soothing before bed.