Should You Sleep in a Bra?

A Woman Sleeping on the Bed

Rumor has it that sleeping with a bra can cause your breasts to sag or have other negative health implications; however, in reality it’s up to each individual as to their personal preference for doing so.

Finding an ideal sleep bra requires consideration of several key points:


No one should feel forced into wearing a bra while sleeping; that decision lies solely with you and your personal comfort level. But, should you opt for one, make sure that it fits comfortably without constricting breathability through its tightness; too tight bras can lead to skin chafing and marks as well as restrict breathing patterns which limits lung capacity.

An undergarment that fits too loosely will eventually cause it to sag over time, while a well-fitted soft bra can prevent that and aid with posture and comfort while sleeping.

No matter if or when you wear a bra, maintaining healthy breasts depends on supporting them with good posture, wearing supportive undergarment and keeping them moisturized. So if you decide to wear one to bed, opt for TENCEL(tm) Modal as its fabric offers smoothing and moisturizing properties that help your breasts feel smooth.

Sleeping without a bra may be more comfortable for women with smaller breasts; however, women with larger bust sizes often find sleeping without one much less relaxing as they try to find an optimal sleeping position for their bust size. Women with larger bust sizes often prefer wearing bras as this allows them to relax while feeling secure at the same time – look for stretchy fabrics that don’t dig into their skin while looking for suitable sleepwear options if this applies to you.


Even though sleeping in a bra may not seem uncomfortable, wearing it all day long may prove uncomfortable due to sweat-soaked fabrics that may lead to rashes, irritation and even fungal infection when exposed directly to skin.

Your sleep bra may need more frequent washings if its material traps moisture, leading to damp and uncomfortable nights of restful slumber.

Women may worry that wearing a bra while sleeping will cause their breasts to lose shape, however this study suggests otherwise. While some research suggests it might cause sagging, it’s wise to treat any such study with caution since your boobs will continue developing post-adolescence regardless of your bra wearing habits.

Some women find that wearing bras while sleeping helps alleviate breast pain and engorgement during pregnancy or nursing, though it could potentially hinder movement during sleep if worn at all. If that is causing you discomfort during sleep, however, sleeping without one might provide more flexibility while giving more freedom for movement during the night without creating discomfort – but ultimately that decision rests solely with you!


Your choice of bra can make or break your nighttime comfort. Underwire bras may dig into your skin when you move around in bed and cause chafing and itching; straps that dig into shoulders or pinch necks should also be avoided as these could be uncomfortable or irritating at nighttime. Lace or thong bras may also prove uncomfortable or irritating for sensitive skin types.

Make sure your sleep bras don’t restrict or feel tight as you slumber by choosing seamless, tagless wireless styles with no restrictive tags that feel comfortable when asleep. Sleep bras come in various styles that feature soft fabrics with non-irritating properties as well as breathable designs; if unsure which kind is the right one for you try several until one feels right!

When sleeping in a bra, it’s important to keep in mind that wearing one while you sleep won’t have any long-term health ramifications or effects on breast size. Instead, its primary benefit lies in providing breast support during heavy lifting exercises or pregnancy; some doctors advise women wearing bras overnight during these times for added support – however many women find them comforting as an added layer of security that their bosoms will be contained overnight.


Sleeping with a bra is entirely up to you and what feels comfortable; however, if you do choose to wear one while resting your melons make sure it is soft, loose, and free from underwire or tight compression sports bras which restrict lymphatic drainage around breast tissue and could potentially result in long-term indents in skin – no one wants that!

Sleeping in a bra that is covered with sweat and dirt from a long day’s work can also lead to rashes, so it is crucial that it is regularly washed. Tight fabrics may rub against your skin while sleeping and cause it to become irritated, leading to uncomfortable marks upon awakening in the morning.

High-quality, well-fitted bras can help fight gravity, maintain proper posture and boost self-confidence throughout the day – so much so that women want to continue reaping its benefits all night long! It’s no wonder women continue wearing them!

Contrary to popular belief, wearing a bra at night won’t help your breasts perk up any faster or prevent sagging; rather, it may cause discomfort and disrupt your sleep – two things which have the potential to have long-term adverse consequences for both short-term and long-term health issues. To minimize discomfort while sleeping comfortably in one, choose a soft, loose, lightweight sleep bra made of cotton or another soft, breathable fabric without underwire or straps that dig into the skin – like our deliciously soft TomboyX Lounge Bralette!