Is It Healthy to Be a Side Sleeper?

2 children lying on bed

Sleep is an integral component of a healthy lifestyle. Not only will it give you energy throughout the day, but it can also reduce health problems like heartburn and acid reflux over time.

However, side sleepers may suffer from discomfort due to improper body alignment. Here are some strategies on how you can adapt your side sleeping position for greater health:

Back pain

Switching from back sleeping to side sleeping may require some adjustment; however, the benefits often outweigh any initial discomfort.

Sleeping on your side puts less strain on the spine, making it ideal for people suffering from back pain. Sleeping this way also reduces snoring and improves posture – for some individuals this could even ease symptoms associated with chronic conditions like fibromyalgia or MS.

But it’s essential that you select a pillow suited for your body type – too thin a pillow could lead to shoulder or hip discomfort, while too high could result in backache. If this is happening for you, try finding a mattress specifically designed for side sleepers with an integrated foam comfort layer to support hips and shoulders.

Positioning a pillow between your knees is one way to prevent one leg from arching over and twisting your lower back, and using thick pillows (such as Purple Harmony’s pillow) can help support and align the head with the sternum and prevent gastroesophageal reflux disease, more commonly known as heartburn.

Sleep apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops repeatedly during the night, typically when lying on your side. Side sleepers may be at higher risk due to neck misalignment resulting in muscles relaxing during sleep which then cause snoring or difficulty breathing and potentially collapsed airways and obstruction.

Side sleepers using a tall, firm pillow should be able to avoid this issue by selecting one with contoured foam support that helps align their neck with their spine during sleep. Memory foam pillows may be especially suitable for this as they offer thick cushioning for supporting both their head and neck.

Left-side sleeping positions can help those suffering from acid reflux and GERD by using gravity to aid with digestion. Pregnant women and those living with heart disease also prefer this position, as it promotes improved blood flow to their heads. To get maximum benefit out of this position, switch sides regularly in order to get maximum effectiveness out of this sleep position.

Shoulder pain

Side sleeping positions place immense strain on shoulders and hips, potentially leading to pain or numbness. Sleeping with arms up or folded under pillows could also result in paresthesia (numbness in fingers and hands).

Mattresses tailored specifically for side sleepers may help alleviate these issues; however, you should still strive to maintain proper body alignment throughout the night by propping yourself up with pillows.

Sleeping on one’s side offers many health advantages, from relieving back and neck pain to improving spine alignment and decreasing snoring levels. Furthermore, side sleeping has been found to alleviate symptoms associated with acid reflux/heartburn as well as ease symptoms of acid reflux/heartburn. According to research findings, side sleeping helps clear away waste in the brain which could prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s.


Sleeping with a pillow between your legs or cuddling close to a pillow while falling asleep could be a telltale sign that you’re a side sleeper. Sleeping on one side for extended periods can put a lot of strain and pressure on the body, particularly the neck and shoulders, leading to pain and discomfort during the daytime hours.

However, there are ways to lessen this risk. First, select a pillow that provides support for both shoulders and head – this will prevent your head from collapsing into mattress or up toward chest, potentially leading to misalignment and pain.

Consider investing in a pillow topper to soften mattresses and provide additional cushioning that could ease back and shoulder pain. In order to prevent overworking of muscles during sleep, make sure your sleep positions change throughout the night – switching positions periodically as much as possible is recommended – plus eating healthily is important too as eating properly helps the body remain stress-free ensuring a restful night’s rest!

Gut health

Your gut health could be an indication that you prefer side sleeping; this position has been shown to aid digestion more effectively and is the preferred position of pregnant women and those suffering from heart failure. But feel free to try sleeping on your back if this feels more comfortable to you.

Additionally, consider investing in a mattress topper that provides extra support for your body to prevent wrinkles from being formed from pressing against a pillow for too long.

A 2015 study discovered that side-sleeping can improve one’s glymphatic system – the system responsible for clearing waste compounds from their nervous system – by improving circulation of blood throughout their body and decreasing stress on spine. As such, this sleeping position may help avoid snoring and mild apnea while also decreasing risks such as heartburn and gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), an potentially serious condition which damages its lining.