How to Choose Mattress Firmness

a bedroom with blue walls and a large bed

Firmness should be one of the primary considerations when shopping for a mattress, as choosing an improper option can lead to uncomfortable rest and even cause health complications.

Decidng which mattress type and firmness best suit your sleeping position, body weight and personal preferences can be daunting. In this article, we’ll take you through the process of finding one.

Sleeping Position

Selecting the ideal mattress firmness depends on many variables, including your sleep position and body weight. A firm mattress may work well for stomach or back sleepers while being uncomfortable for side sleepers due to differing support needs in each position as well as pressure distribution across each part of their bodies.

Medium-firm or firm mattresses are generally the optimal choice for most sleepers, as these options provide both support and comfort across all sleeping positions. Furthermore, medium-firm or firm mattresses help keep spine alignment neutralized while relieving pressure points effectively.

Firmer mattresses tend to provide better spinal support and may help alleviate pressure points, but it is important to remember that firmness and support are distinct concepts which should be assessed independently.

Assessing the firmness of a mattress starts when first lying down: do you feel like you’re sinking into it, or is there much push back? A mattress scoring 9 out of 10, for instance, would have minimal sinkage and pushback; heavier sleepers may find this mattress too firm and would prefer something softer instead.

Soft or medium-soft mattresses typically score 3 out of 10, offering generous sinkage but providing some push back as well as providing side sleeping support or mild back pain relief. They may be recommended for side sleeping positions and some people suffering with mild back issues.

Personal preference should also be taken into account when selecting the firmness of a mattress, since some individuals naturally gravitate toward either softer or firmer mattresses. Therefore, it’s advisable to experiment with various kinds of mattresses before making your purchase decision.

Body Weight

As with choosing any mattress firmness, selecting an ideal firmness depends on many variables such as sleep position, body weight and medical conditions. For instance, back sleepers require a mattress firm enough to support their spine while alleviating pressure points; otherwise it could cause them to sink into unnatural positions. Side sleepers on the other hand require soft mattresses that will conform to their bodies and alleviate pressure points.

People suffering from medical conditions, like arthritis and fibromyalgia, will require firmer mattresses in order to keep their spines aligned while sleeping. Unfortunately, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach when selecting an optimal mattress firmness – however there are some guidelines you can follow that might help guide your decision-making.

Mattress firmness refers to the initial feeling you get upon lying on a mattress; support refers to how its core and base layers support your weight distribution and alignment with spine alignment. Although they might seem synonymous, firmness and support should not be confused for one another; though it’s easy to make this mistaken assumption.

Sleepopolis rates mattresses that are classified as firm, yet it could still feel soft for someone of less weight than yourself. Each person experiences firmness differently and has unique comfort preferences; therefore if purchasing online without being able to test before making your choice it is essential that you know how firm each mattress you are considering is before committing yourself – that way wasting no money by purchasing something too hard or soft for yourself!

Personal Preference

Sleeper preference plays an integral part in selecting their preferred mattress firmness level. Some prefer soft mattresses with plenty of pressure relief, while others may favor harder feels that are more aligning and supportive. Firmness levels can also vary based on construction materials or features of a mattress – it is therefore crucial that you understand what feels good before purchasing any particular model.

Medium firmness beds tend to offer the ideal blend of support and comfort, making them suitable for most sleepers. Mattresses with this level of firmness tend to use soft top layers paired with sturdy foundations such as memory foam or high-density poly foam foundations – offering back, side, or combo sleepers optimal comfort and support throughout their night of restful slumber.

Heavier individuals should opt for mattresses with firmer feels; typically mattresses rated 6-7/10 have more push back and less sinkage, providing additional support and pressure relief than more cushioned options. Still, heavier individuals must consider pressure relief in their purchase decisions when searching for the ideal mattress.

Soft mattresses are best suited for individuals weighing 130lb or less who can utilize its cushiony support without feeling too firm. Heavier people may experience excessive sinkage and “bottoming out”, should they choose soft mattresses as opposed to firm ones.

Finding a mattress suitable for two sleepers can be challenging, so it’s wise to test various mattresses together until one provides just the right firmness level for both parties. If this proves unsuccessful, consider exploring split mattresses – they offer two separate firmness levels which may provide better solutions.

Mattress Firmness

Mattress firmness refers to how the sleep surface feels underneath you and can differ significantly depending on brand and style. Even something that feels firm to one person might feel soft and sinky for another – so before selecting your ideal firmness level it’s essential that you test several beds in-store!

There are a few general guidelines regarding mattress firmness to help guide your search and help make an informed choice based on your sleeping position and preferences. A firm mattress is typically recommended for back and stomach sleepers since it keeps the spine in a neutral position; in contrast, soft mattresses often work best as pressure relief beds that allow the body to mold around it more comfortably.

As part of selecting a mattress firmness, it’s also essential to take weight into consideration when making your selection. In general, as you gain weight you tend to sink further into a mattress and require firmer support structures – but medium-firm mattresses often make great options for heavier people as they provide just enough push back and sinkage for comfortable nights sleep.

Medium-firm mattresses are an excellent option for couples, offering the ideal combination of comfort and support for most sleeping positions. Plus they’re typically the more cost-effective choice!

If you prefer something firmer than medium-firm mattresses, medium-plus or extra-firm options might be right for you. These models provide more pushback than their medium-firm counterparts and could prove beneficial for back and stomach sleepers alike.

For the firmest feel, choose a mattress with firmness ratings of 9/10 or 10/10. These mattresses provide extremely high levels of push back while offering minimal hug or sinkage; this level is not recommended for most sleepers and Sleepopolis has never reviewed a true 10/10 mattress on our firmness scale.