Why Should You Not Sleep on Your Left Side

A Woman Sleeping on the Bed

Many people report better sleep when sleeping on their left side; however, it is essential that if there are any health issues which might interfere with this decision. If this applies to you as well, make an appointment with a healthcare provider immediately if any are having difficulties sleeping.

Curling up on their left side may also benefit pregnant women, as this increases blood flow to both the fetus and liver while alleviating pressure off of the back.

Lymphatic Drainage

The lymphatic system consists of vessels and nodes filled with fluid containing waste products, proteins and immune system elements such as T cells. Lymph nodes filter this fluid before transporting it back through blood vessels toward the heart; this helps safeguard your body against infections or disease.

Lymph nodes can be found throughout the body, including in the neck, groin and armpits. Lymph fluid also circulates along glymphatic pathways which remove waste from your brain; sleeping on your left side encourages this movement of lymph fluid which could protect against Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases.

Sleeping on your left side can help prevent snoring and promote better breathing during restful restful slumber. Sleeping this way allows airways to remain open, decreasing pressure on lungs which could otherwise obstruct breathing.

Sleeping on the left side has many benefits for pregnant women: improved circulation to both mother and fetus, lessened pressure on liver, and prevented uterus from pressing against vena cava (a large vein that transports blood between lower body and heart), while helping maintain healthy blood pressure throughout gestation. For these reasons, doctors generally advise lying on left side when possible during gestation, while many also find lymphatic drainage massage beneficial as treatment for lymphedema – a condition in which fluid builds up in tissues.

Improved Digestion

Sleeping on your left side may help ease postprandial dyspepsia (heartburn after eating) for some people, due to gravity helping waste move through their stomach and large intestine more smoothly, so that it can be eliminated from their bodies more quickly.

GERD/acid reflux sufferers may also find relief in this position, as it keeps the stomach lower than the oesophagus to limit how much stomach acid rises into it, according to Salas. Furthermore, this position can prevent snoring and relieve mild obstructive sleep apnea symptoms, according to her.

Position may help ease backaches by relieving pressure from cervical and lumbar spine regions, especially cervical and lumbar vertebrae. However, it should not be used by those suffering from injuries such as fibromyalgia as this position increases pressure on hips and shoulders.

Another advantage of sleeping on one’s left side is increased circulation, which can benefit heart and kidney health. This is especially important during pregnancy: one small study showed that lying on your left side during the last trimester could halve stillbirth risks; further research needs to be completed in this regard.

Reduced Risk of Acid Reflux

Sleeping on the left side has been proven to improve digestion and combat heartburn and acid reflux, with studies in Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology showing right-side sleepers more susceptible to experiencing heartburn and digestive issues after meals, while those sleeping on their left sides experiencing less postprandial dyspepsia (postprandial dyspepsia).

Left-side sleeping positions can also be beneficial to those suffering from sleep apnea and snorers alike. By opening airways and making breathing easier, this position helps reduce snoring while making restful rest possible. Furthermore, pregnant women can benefit from this position due to its improved circulation that prevents their uterus from pressing on their livers while increasing oxygen delivery to the baby fetus.

Sleep is essential, yet many don’t realize its connection with overall health. To learn more about how your sleeping position could impact it, speak to a doctor and determine the most beneficial solution for achieving restful restful slumber. Elisa is the editor of Mattress Clarity where she reviews and analyzes sleep products; as well as being certified sleep science coach she has appeared on television programs such as The Doctors and 21 Oak.

Better Sleep

Sleep is essential to our overall health. But did you know which side you sleep on may make a significant difference? According to a popular TikTok video, sleeping on your left may be key to better restful slumber.

Studies have confirmed the advantages of sleeping on our left side are further supported by scientific research. Studies have discovered that our brain detoxifies more effectively when we sleep on this side due to increased blood flow and lymph node filtering of waste materials from the head during this position.

Left-side sleeping positions offer another benefit for improved digestion: gravity helps move food from stomach into small intestine, aiding digestion while relieving symptoms such as heartburn, bloating, and constipation.

Sleeping on the left side may also aid with snoring and sleep apnea by keeping tongue from falling into throat, partially blocking airway. Doctors recommend those suffering from obstructive sleep apnea sleep on this side to alleviate symptoms. Furthermore, sleeping this way may also ease shoulder and jaw discomfort by lessening pressure on jawbone and relaxing neck muscles more readily.