What Sleep Positions Say About Your Personality

A Woman Sleeping Soundly

Sleep experts believe our sleeping positions reveal much about who we are as individuals and can give an indication as to our psychological makeup.

Fetal sleepers resemble teddy bears on the outside and may be reserved, while people who slumber in a log position (on their side with arms down) tend to be social and trusting – though possibly vulnerable as well.

Side sleepers

Experts claim that sleeping like a log with your arms at your sides indicates you may be an easygoing and social person who tends to appear gullible at first glance. This sleeping position, known as the fetal position, also favors people who may seem tough outside but possess very sensitive emotions within.

On the other hand, those who require pillows while sleeping tend to be highly flexible and adaptable in any situation. As such, they often make great friends quickly, are quick to help others and tend to be suspicious and cautious, yet open-minded individuals. Once decisions have been made they tend to stick by them.

Back sleepers

Sleeping on your stomach may be problematic for people suffering from back pain or snoring, but if this is your preferred sleeping position, use a pillow to assist with breathing and to keep the spine aligned.

Sleep researchers suggest that those who tend towards this sleeping position tend to be protective and confident individuals, who don’t like being criticised, as well as tending to avoid extreme situations.

Log or yearner posture is another variation, appearing as though you’re reaching for something. These people are complex beings; open-minded but also suspicious of others; slow to make decisions yet once made they adhere to them; may set high standards for themselves and others while remaining gullible and trusting at times.

Stomach sleepers

Are You A Stomach Sleeper Who Tucks Their Pillow Under Their Head? If that is the case for you, chances are you are an energetic and creative individual who doesn’t take well to criticism and may come off as even rude or bold in certain instances.

Fetal sleepers, on the other hand, seek protection and are shy and sensitive individuals who tend to have an uptight exterior but a soft heart within. Furthermore, these individuals tend to take an altogether pessimistic outlook on life.

Sleeping like a log with arms outstretched has been described as “yearning,” according to sleep expert Chris Idzikowski. These types of individuals tend to be open-minded yet cynical; slow to make decisions and suspicious of others; but are close with those they trust.


Sleeping in the fetal position like a newborn indicates your sleeping personality is vulnerable and sensitive, yet hardened at heart. Your dreams could indicate this type of character trait in life.

Chris Idzikowski, a sleep researcher, suggests that freefall sleepers – those reclining on their stomach with arms stretched wide open like starfish–are usually friendly people and ready for adventure. But they may also be sensitive to criticism or extreme situations and be easily upset.

Sleeping in the log position (on your side with arms down at your sides) shows that you are friendly and trusting of others; however, Idzikowski cautions that it could make you more gullible and lead to neck pain and stiffness.


Though many don’t pay much attention to how they sleep, experts believe their sleeping position can reveal much about one’s character. From curling up like a baby or sprawling out like a starfish – each sleeping position speaks volumes about you!

According to sleep expert Chris Idzikowski, those who favor resting in the freefall position, commonly known as skydiver position, can be described as having high energy and an eagerness for new experiences. Such individuals tend to be cheerful and high-spirited but dislike being underestimated so as to avoid extreme situations.

Fetal sleepers show a sensitive personality. Although they may appear tough on the outside, they’re actually gentle souls who need protection and need others to understand and care for them.

Pillar sleepers

Experts agree that nonverbal communication such as body language can reveal much about someone. But did you know that even your sleeping position could give us insight into your personality?

If you slumber on your stomach while keeping arms out in front, as though yearning for something, research shows you could be a pillar sleeper. Research also indicates pillars tend to be social people who can easily be rattled by criticism or stressful situations.

Researchers discovered that individuals sleeping in the log position tended to be more open-minded than other side sleepers; however, they may also be more gullible. If your sleeping position tends more toward “yearning” or “craving”, however, then chances are high you’re more likely to take their time in making decisions and take their time making them.

Flagpole sleepers

Experts believe those who sleep curled up like babies, sleeping in the fetal position, are sensitive individuals who require protection and sympathy from others. Although they may appear tough outside, these individuals can often have quiet feelings on the inside that need nurturing.

Are your arms spread wide in front of you, reaching for something? That is a telltale sign of being a “craver.” These individuals tend to be cautious but open-minded at the same time, taking their time before making decisions that usually don’t leave any regret in their wake.

Sleepers who spread their legs like starfish tend to be laid-back and unruffled, with friendly personalities who will offer help whenever necessary. While these individuals can often be relied upon, they may sometimes struggle expressing their emotions appropriately.